The Mission

Niven Resources is a broad-based vehicle for the sharing of information and solutions for real issues of country club management and governance.

Strategic Principle

Provide the simplest solutions to complex problems.

Niven Resources is created as a repository for solid club information derived in real-time from in-the-trenches managers. Our Group of over 225 managers and 30 club directors communicate on a regular basis on issues relevant to today’s active clubs.

Every club is a bit different, and managers will have different issues for consideration. My 30-years as general manager of clubs and attainment of the Master Club Manager designation, coupled with my University of Alabama education with an undergraduate degree in Finance, Master of Arts in Educational Psychology, and my current Master of Science study in Marketing with a focus on digital media, appear to give me insight into the club business. From this vantage point, I coordinate the issues, sometimes offering editorial, and compile suggestions, the results of which are located under the tab “Group Discussions” where you will find over 100 topics.

Our Group managers have also offered many templates for use, and I have posted my published material, as well as any research papers on club topics.

Please take any of the material, edit it, use it, change it, pass it around, this is an open source format. If you make changes, please return the material to me so that I may re-post and share with other managers and directors.

I hope you find this site useful.

Email me
